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Standard Calibration Services

The list below describes the basic types of optical calibrations that we perform in our metrology lab. All instrumentation requires periodic recalibration to ensure proper operation. The PIR and YIS calibrations are our most commonly requested calibrations for radiometers and photometers, respectively. Our flexible laboratory setup allows us to perform a wide range of different calibrations at a reasonable cost.

calibration of light measurement instruments

Customization Services

At International Light, we constantly strive to update and improve our systems, and adapt them to new requirements. Many of our standard products began as customized designs for emerging research applications. We have a wealth of experienced personnel who can help you solve your light measurement problem with customized detectors and calibrations. Contact us to discuss any new ideas, requirements, or applications you have.

  Our calibration lab adheres to the provisions of   ANSI.Z540-1 and ISO.10012.1, which includes both   optical and electrical calibrations.


BIR - Band Irradiance Response PINR - Peak Intensity Response WIR - Wide Irradiance Response
CSAR - Custom Scanned Absolute Response PIR - Peak Irradiance Response XIR - Irradiance Response at Wavelength X
CSIM - Custom Special Irradiance Measurement PIRE - Peak Irradiance Response, Einsteins XPR - Power Response at Wavelentgh X
CSPR - Custom Single Point Response for non-IL detectors. PPR - Peak Power Response YFS - Photopic Flux Sensitivity
CSTM - Custom Spectral Transmission Measurement PRR - Peak radiance Response YIN - Standard Lamp Intensity
ECAL - Electrical Calibration of IL Radiometer SAP - Scanned Absolute Power Response YINS - Photopic Intensity Sensitivity
IBIR - Internal Band Irradiance Response SAR - Scanned Absolute Response YIS - Photometric Illuminance Sensitivity
IER - Internal Recalibration of IL390B or IL290 Light Bug SIR - Spectral Irradiance Response YLS - Photometric Luminance Sensitivity
IPIR - Internal Peak Irradiance Response SOL -Solar UVB Response ZIS - Scotopic Illuminance Sensitivity
IPPR - Internal Peak Power Response SRAD - Radiance Response with use of R ZLS - Scotopic Luminance Sensitivity
IYIS - Internal Photopic Illuminance Response SRR - Scanned Relative Response  



광량계, IL1700, IL1400, uv curing, radiometer, 경화, 자외선, 적외선, 근적외선, 원적외선, 가시광선, 건조, 화학방사선, 세정, 살균, 수처리, 태양광, 복사량측정, 광량계, 조도계, 광도계, 센서, 스펙트로메타, 라디오메타, 포토메타, 스펙트로라디오메타, uv, LED, 자외선측정, UV광량, IL393, IL290, LZ393, IL393, ILT400, ILT490, ILT1700, ILT1400, ILT900, ILT900 LED, 색차계,조사, 분광, 스펙트럼, 분석, 복사도, 환경, 생화학, 광생물학, 레이저,

ultraviolet radiation, uv meter, light bugs, UVA, UV-b, UV-A, UVB, UVC, UV-Cil290a, il390c, il393, uv exposure,

노광, spot irradiance measurements, il1747, il1447, il1745, il1445, pir irradiance calibration,

photometry, photometer system, photometric illuminance, flash photometer, radiometer, high gain lens, flash sources, flash effective intensity, il1710, il1410, il1711, il1715, radiometer, visible, near-ir, irradiance measurements, radiometry, spatial response, uv detection, radiance measurements, irradiance detector, nist traceable, il1705, il1405, il1715, photometer system, photoresist, a response, b response, uv measurement, blue visible irradiance, exposing photoresist, uva, photoresist equipment, radiometer, uv sensitivity, il1740a


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