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ItaCHROM EA II Capillary Electrophoretic Analyzer



Electrophoretic methods are based on the separation of ionic components according to their electrophoretic mobility in an electric field. The mobility represents an individual physical parameter of the corresponding ion.

For ionananalysis the two electrophoresis methods; capillary zone electrophoresis and capillary isotachophoresis are suitable. Both methods separate ions according to their mobility but differ in the arrangement and the use of the electrolyte system. Characteristic for isotachophoresis is the application of a discontinuous electrolyte system consisting of two electrolytes; the so called ?leading having the highest mobility and the ?terminating with the lowest mobility in the system.







ItaChrom II manuell


Between those two electrolytes the isotachophoretic separation takes place, giving as a result discrete zones which can be detected e.g. by conductivity and UV-detection.

Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) is working with one electrolyte leading to the more familiar peakdetection.





Itachrom II automatisiert 



The ItaChrom EA is designed for the use of both electrophoretic methods; ITP and CZE. Unique is the on-line coupling of two separation capillaries and the equipment with three detectors (2 conductivity- and one UV-detector).


The coupling of two capillaries enables the following separation modes.

  • One-dimensional isotachophoresis (ITP)
  • Two- dimensional isotachophoresis (2D-ITP)
  • One-dimensional capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)
  • On-line coupling of isotachophoresis and zone electrophoresis (ITP-CZE)

Existing capillary electrophoresis instruments only offer one capillary and hence only the use of one electrolyte system. Moreover they are equipped only with one specific UV-detector which is restricting the application of the instrument.

In contrast to those instruments the column coupling of the ItaChrom EA with three detectors offers the following advantages.

  • Application of heartcutting (sample clean-up); excess- or matrix components can be cut of from the sample after passing the first detector in the first capillary. Into the second capillary only the analytes of interest can be transferred.
  • Injection of high sample volumes, in this way low limits of detection can be reached.
  • Two-dimensional analysis, in every capillary different electrolyte systems can be used, providing in this way two selectivities in one run.
  • The on-line combination of ITP and CZE can be realised.



The modular design enables optimal and qick adaptation to the analytical problem.



  • Preseparation capillary 800 µm I.D. made of FEP
  • Integrated conductivity detector
  • Separation capillary 300 µm I.D. made of fused silica
  • Integrated conductivity detector and measurig cell for the UV-detector



  • Contactless conductivity detector
  • 4 electrode high frequency measurement



  • on-column measuring cell
  • Deuterium lamp
  • 4 wavelengths 200, 220, 254, 280 nm
  • coupled to the capillary by ligth fibres
  • Diode-arry-detector optional (190-1100 nm, 1024 pixel, 0.8 nm/pixel) adapted also by ligth-fibres



  • Spark Basic MARATHON






광량계, IL1700, IL1400, uv curing, radiometer, 경화, 자외선, 적외선, 근적외선, 원적외선, 가시광선, 건조, 화학방사선, 세정, 살균, 수처리, 태양광, 복사량측정, 광량계, 조도계, 광도계, 센서, 스펙트로메타, 라디오메타, 포토메타, 스펙트로라디오메타, uv, LED, 자외선측정, UV광량, IL393, IL290, LZ393, IL393, ILT400, ILT490, ILT1700, ILT1400, ILT900, ILT900 LED, 색차계,조사, 분광, 스펙트럼, 분석, 복사도, 환경, 생화학, 광생물학, 레이저,

ultraviolet radiation, uv meter, light bugs, UVA, UV-b, UV-A, UVB, UVC, UV-Cil290a, il390c, il393, uv exposure,

노광, spot irradiance measurements, il1747, il1447, il1745, il1445, pir irradiance calibration,

photometry, photometer system, photometric illuminance, flash photometer, radiometer, high gain lens, flash sources, flash effective intensity, il1710, il1410, il1711, il1715, radiometer, visible, near-ir, irradiance measurements, radiometry, spatial response, uv detection, radiance measurements, irradiance detector, nist traceable, il1705, il1405, il1715, photometer system, photoresist, a response, b response, uv measurement, blue visible irradiance, exposing photoresist, uva, photoresist equipment, radiometer, uv sensitivity, il1740a

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